Tuesday, May 8, 2012


ESP是英文Extra Sensory Perception的略稱,意指「超感覺」,通常用做心靈感應、透視力、觸知力、預知力等的總稱。ESP能力等於是「右腦的五感」。正如左腦有五感一樣,右腦也有五感。有人認為只是少數特異人士才擁有的神奇力量,其實每一個人都具備的能力,只不過人類因為壓抑潛在意識的大腦新皮質過於發達,使得ESP的能力被封存起來,相反的動物的大腦組織幾乎都是由舊皮質組成,因此能夠發揮的能力。

Sunday, May 6, 2012







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寄件人: YouTube <noreply@youtube.com>
日期: 2012年5月7日 上午2:43:29 [GMT+08:00]
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標題: inousch剛剛上傳了影片

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Dedicated to all mothers around the world.
In this video: Namibia, Mongolia, Japan and The United States:
A baby sent from Heaven above,
from God to us, a gift of love...
May the Lord give his angels charge over you,
to guide you in all of your ways(Psalm 91:11)
There is no such thing as too many children,
that is like saying there are too many flowers(Mother Theresa)
(I've uploaded 60 pictures out of this video on my website.)
Bonne fête des mères
Dutch: Gelukkige Moederdag
Portuguese: Feliz dia de las Mães
Polish: Szczesliwego dnia matki
Hungarian: Napját kivánok
Alles Liebe zum Muttertag
Italian: Buona festa della Mamma
Japanese: Haha nohi omedeto
Norwegian: Mors dag
Russian: S dnëm Materi
Spanish: Feliz Día de las Madres
Hebrew: Yom ha'em sameah
Catalan: Feliç Dia de la Mare
Chinese: Mu Qin jie kuai le
Ko... 更多

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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Fw: Easter Eggs----happy easter

----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Yen
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2012 11:29 AM
Subject: Fwd: Easter Eggs----happy easter

Easter Eggs
Happy Easter

German couple decorate their garden tree 
with 10,000 painted eggs

Easter comes but once a year - but one couple have turned it into a lifetime's project.
German pensioners Volker and Christa Kraft have decorated the tree 
in their back garden in Saalfeld for Easter for more than 40 years
The tree now drips with more than 9,800 colourful Easter eggs, painted with pastoral scenes and religious icons.
Jesus Christ! Volker Kraft adds to the 9,800 Easter eggs hanging from the tree in garden of the home he shares with his wife Christa
Volker Kraft adds to the 9,800 Easter eggs hanging from the tree 
in garden of the home he shares with his wife Christa
Each egg must be painstakingly emptied of yolk and whites, to ensure it will not go bad, 
before they can be hand painted and hung out for all to see
The easiest way is to pierce two holes in each end of the egg with a hat-pin, 
then blow out the contents through a straw.
The better equipped can use a syringe pushed through just one hole to extract the gooey gubbins. 
But be cautious when handling raw eggs - they may carry salmonella
Symbol of life: Carefully packed and intricately decorated Easter eggs lie waiting to be hung from the Krafts' tree
Symbol of life: Carefully packed and intricately decorated Easter eggs lie waiting to be hung from the Krafts' tree
The egg is a pagan symbol of rebirth, widely used in spring festivals before its adoption 
by early Christians as a symbol of the resurrection of Jesus.
For followers of Christianity they are symbolic of Christ rising from his tomb two days after his death on the cross.
In ancient times, the Zoroastrians painted eggs for Nowrooz, their New Year celebration, 
which falls on the spring equinox.
Sculptures in the ruins of Persepolis, their capital, 
show people carrying eggs to their king for the occasion 2,500 years ago
Don't tell the Easter Bunny! Heike Lutz, right, visits the Krafts' tree together with her son Anton Lutz, in her arms, and her daughter Luna Lutz, centre
Don't tell the Easter Bunny! Heike Lutz, right, visits the Krafts' tree together with her son Anton Lutz
After their kids moved out of the house, it seemed the Easter Tree would finally catch a break, but grandsons arrived and the Krafts went back to decorating their giant tree. The number of Easter eggs hung by the tree's branches grew every year,and in 2010 it reached an incredible 9,500 eggs.



