Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Flop 高拋球

You can find many video tutorials for playing a flop shot on YouTube, including these:

Flop Shot ,也稱為Lob Shot,是一種短距離劈起球Pitching,使用非常高的Wedge楔形桿,以便在球的軌跡上創造最大高度。目的是將高爾夫球放到高弧形軌道上,急劇上升並急劇下降,這樣當它落在果嶺上時,它會很快停止,只需很少的滾動。

Flop Shot是高爾夫球的特殊打法,通常是為了讓球在高爾夫球手和旗桿之間的障礙或危險(例如沙坑)上飛越, 或者在高爾夫球手位在離開果嶺短邊short sided,並且需要球一旦在果嶺上能快速停止時。每當高爾夫球處於高爾夫球手需要在陡峭的軌道上快速將球送入空中的位置時,然後將球輕柔地放在果嶺上,Flop Shot 是可以選擇的打法。

Flop Shot通常使用稱為高仰角楔型桿的高位楔形桿Lob Wedge來打。高楔桿有一個大約60到64度的仰角,最初專門用來打lobs,又名Flop。如果高爾夫球手將球桿面敞開以增加桿面傾角,則可以用其他楔桿進行Flop,但是Lob Wedge是理想的球桿。

打Flop/ Lob Shot的技巧
有關此短桿技術的完整說明,請參閱Charlotta Sorenstam如何打Flop Shot/Lob Shot。但是,總結Sorenstam的教程,基礎是這些:

打開你的Lob Wedge桿面,進一步增加仰角。
將你的上半身瞄準目標, 但是採取打開放站姿(這樣右打者的腳就會在目標左側對齊)。
要全力以赴,加速衝擊,這可能使Flop Shot對許多休閒高爾夫球手來說具有挑戰性。因為這是一個非常短的打擊-  50碼,30碼,甚至果嶺邊緣 - 它可能很容易減速或未能完全致力於揮桿。如果你打得太薄,球可能會飛過目標過長了。

A flop shot, also known as a lob shot, is a short pitch shot played with a very high-lofted wedge in order to create maximum height on the ball's trajectory. The intention is to send the golf ball on a high-arcing trajectory, steeply up and steeply down, so that when it lands on the green it stops quickly, with very little roll.

The flop shot is a specialty shot in golf, typically played in order to get the ball over a hazard (such as a bunker) between the golfer and the flagstick; or from just off the green when the golfer is short-sided and needs the ball to stop very quickly once on the green. Any time the golf ball is in a position where the golfer needs to get the ball into the air quickly on a steep trajectory, then land the ball soft on the green, the flop shot is an option to be played.

A flop shot is typically played with a high-lofted wedge called a lob wedge. A lob wedge has around 60- to 64-degrees of loft and was originally created specifically to play lobs, aka flops. A flop shot can be played with other wedges if the golfer lays the ​clubface wide open in order to add loft, but the lob wedge is the ideal club.

Technique for Playing the Flop Shot/Lob Shot
For a full explanation of this shot's technique, see How to Play a Flop Shot by Charlotta Sorenstam. But, summarizing Sorenstam's tutorial, the basics are these:

Open the face of your lob wedge to increase the loft even more.
Set up with the golf ball a bit more forward in your stance than normal.
Aim your upper body at the target but open your stance (so your feet are aligned left of the target for a right-hander).
Set up on the balls of your feet with a little more weight on your front foot.
Bend your knees a little more than normal.
Make a full swing, keeping the lower body quiet and letting your arms and hands to most of the work.
Swing through to a full finish.
It's that full swing, accelerating into impact, that can make flop shots challenging for many recreational golfers. Since it's a very short shot - 50 yards, 30 yards, even from just off the green - it can be easy to decelerate or fail to fully commit to the swing. And if you catch it thin, the ball might fly the target by a long way.

Saturday, March 2, 2019


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