Sunday, May 6, 2012
從我的 iPhone 傳送
寄件人: YouTube <>
日期: 2012年5月7日 上午2:43:29 [GMT+08:00]
收件人: mwchuang <>
標題: inousch剛剛上傳了影片
說明中心 | 變更電子郵件偏好設定 inousch 剛剛上傳了一部影片:
Dedicated to all mothers around the world.
In this video: Namibia, Mongolia, Japan and The United States:
A baby sent from Heaven above,
from God to us, a gift of love...
May the Lord give his angels charge over you,
to guide you in all of your ways(Psalm 91:11)
There is no such thing as too many children,
that is like saying there are too many flowers(Mother Theresa)
(I've uploaded 60 pictures out of this video on my website.)
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, Ine Braat!/IneBraat
Bonne fête des mères
Dutch: Gelukkige Moederdag
Portuguese: Feliz dia de las Mães
Polish: Szczesliwego dnia matki
Hungarian: Napját kivánok
Alles Liebe zum Muttertag
Italian: Buona festa della Mamma
Japanese: Haha nohi omedeto
Norwegian: Mors dag
Russian: S dnëm Materi
Spanish: Feliz Día de las Madres
Hebrew: Yom ha'em sameah
Catalan: Feliç Dia de la Mare
Chinese: Mu Qin jie kuai le
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